Thursday 5 June 2014

Evaluation of Final Product

Overall I was very pleased with the results of Winston 2.0 despite a few setbacks towards the end of the project. I believe i worked effectively at a consistent, efficient level throughout the duration of the project accepting changes and set backs well and adapting quickly to resolve issues without losing sight of the brief.

I believe Winston 2.0 developed into a successful and coherent solution to the brief despite unfortunately losing the interactive nature that i had initially planned for. I was let down by inexperience and lack of knowledge of the Quartz Composer software as well as the limitations of the MadMapper mapping software. I didnt realise until later on in the project that Quartz Composer doesnt support .mov files or any moving image format on its sprite levels which meant that I couldnt use it to convert the data from Ableton Live and send it to Madmapper. To get round this major problem I decided to create a looping video of the animations that i could animate to music, Maximalist by Baths.

This Loop could be used as a kind of idle splashscreen to the interactive display, playing through whilst no interaction was taking place. Or it could be seen as a demonstration of a possible interactive piece. I'm happy with the result of the loop despite the fact that it wasnt my intentional product.

Here is a link to the full loop.

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