Friday, 13 December 2013

Initial iPad Layout

I had a rough idea of how I wanted the iPad magazine to be structures. I wanted to mirror the website I have designed previously for Malmo House. 

I knew that I wanted the first thing the viewer saw was the new logo, so I decided to use the image sequence overlay to add interactivity to the animated version of the logo, beneath this I was going to add buttons that direct the viewer to the desired pages. Here is the final design, I had to spend a lot time resizing the image sequence as when clicked it often skewed and distorted. However, it still decides to turn a darker shade of grey when selected, i couldn't seem to be able to remedy this in any way, which is a shame. I'm happy with the overall design, the colour scheme is consistent to the branding of the company and the fonts are the institutional fonts, Enriqueta and Open Sans, that the company uses in it's publications.

The next page I created was the Who We Are page. This is where I decided to house the channel trailer I had previously designed. I felt that this was an appropriate way of introducing the video as it should be the first thing the viewer sees past the cover. 

I spent a little time working out how to select a poster frame rather than leaving the video blank until play was hit. I was much happier with the poster as it made a neater, cleaner page layout possible. Beneath the video I chose to add some scrolling text. The text is lifted from the About page on Malmo House's website, I feel that adding this text not only demonstrated my skills to create scrollable frames but also was a valid addition to the page, creating information for the reader that they can interact with and welcomes them to the publication. I decided to add a few still images to contrast the video. The first image is a still frame from the character's mic animation, i felt this helped to ground the video within the text by creating a recurring theme that ran through both the video as well as the digital publication. The other images are from Malmo House's Instagram and Facebook pages. Connectivity is important so I felt it was important to converge the website content and magazine. I placed the images within a circular frame, so to continue the circle motif that is currently running through the website and logo layout.

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