Tuesday 28 January 2014

Developing The Message

I have been looking into a more defined message as to what I want my product to say. My research into both the positive and negative connotations immediately threw up the question of using drones for good. There is a rich source of many methods and institutions using drone technology for capital gain and also for ethical good and charity. However, the most poignant point that was thrown up by Suarez about how a drone could defect through malware or system breakdown and how this fine line between safety and danger is heading towards being solely left up to an electronic circuit. This lead me to ponder that

"The line between good and evil is thin, should this be the distance of a circuit board?"

This lead me onto think about the drones as defected dangerous devices and the immediate reference that was brought up was Orwell's novel 1984. This will serve as a great inspiration to me, despite being fiction, in shaping the message behind my product

Excerpt from 1984

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